EoCoE was a European Centre of Excellence for HPC applications Horizon-2020 project funded from 2015 to 2018. It was renewed as the EoCoE-II grant.

At the cross-road of the energy and digital revolutions, EoCoE developed and applied cutting-edge computational methods in its mission to accelerate the transition to the production, storage and management of clean, decarbonized energy. The Gysela5D code was one of the demonstrators used in the project and the PDI library initial development was funded by the project.

I participated in EoCoE as a researcher in programming models for HPC. I was responsible for a task related to the development of an approach to decouple simulation codes from IO-specific concerns that lead to the PDI library. The post-doc of Corentin Roussel was funded by EoCoE to work on PDI and its integration in Gysela5D.