Julien Bigot

Julien Bigot

Permanent Research Scientist


Maison de la Simulation

I am a permanent CEA computer scientist at Maison de la Simulation where I lead the Science of Computing team. My research focuses on programming models for high-performance computing. I am especially interested in the question of separation of concerns between the simulated domain specific aspects and optimization aspects.

I try to concretize my research into production-level software like the DDC, Deisa, or PDI libraries whose development I started, or Kokkos, a project of the Linux Foundation originating from the US DoE. I also try to apply these libraries in production into real codes like the Gysela code for example.

I lead the CExA project that contributes to the Kokkos ecosystem, and in NumPEx, that intends to build the software stack for the French Exascale machines, I co-lead the Exa-DoST about IO and data analysis libraries and tools, in the Exa-DI project, I co-lead the work on software packaging, deployment, and CI/CD, and in the Exa-Soft project, I take part in the work GPU programming models.

Multiple positions are funded and available to work with me:

  • join the CExA project as a software engineer,
  • join the CExA project as a DevOps engineer,
  • multiple PhD are funded in the context of CExA and NumPEx, let me know if you are interested,
  • motivated interns are always welcome!
  • programming models and software engineering,
  • high-performance computing and data analytics,
  • HPC software stack modularization, packaging and deployment,
  • plasma physics simulation.